Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Towards a definition of Material Poetics

group + instructor definitions:
  • art through language that reaches out and interacts with tangible and sensory media 
  • formulating a code (that establishes a relationship between material and language) such that, when applied, allows for sensory perception and potential deciphering
  • the concept manifesting in reality through the senses / 
    reality defines the concept the meaning is about and comes from the material
  • poetry is the art form where language makes art of itself; poetics is the somewhat coherent articulation of a poet or a poetry's commitments and priorities (culturally, politically, aesthetically);material poetics understands poetry as an art form in which meaning is embodied in the medium, e.g., spoken or written language, and where this understanding of medium as expressive opens up a wide range possibilities of expressive media in poetry
a) use these frameworks to establish a short working definition for this class
b) discuss the question Can our definition include works of art which do not use spoken or written language?
c) discuss the question Can conceptual work be material?

Expressing an abstraction of language by creating a balanced relationship between materials and concepts. (This includes non-verbal, non-literary languages as well.)

The articulation of concepts, ideas and phenomena through the use of language/senses, in which the medium of expression and material is part of the understanding. Thinking about language itself as part of the process. 
(Verbal language is not a must.  Meaning can be expressed through signs and symbols, sensory experiences that do not engage in language but understandings.)

(Individual Definitions)
1. Based on Language, uses material
2. Struggle of signifier & signified
3. What you make it
4. The definition depends on the individual & their experience & exploration of the field and what they make of it.
5. A precise but changing moment in the massively undefined space between art & poetry
(2 people vote verbal rather than non-verbal, 3 vote "both")

6. Concept expressed through language and material, coded as a material idea. (Material Poetics need not be limited by verbal/spoken language. Other forms of communication can be included in the vocabulary of the material poet, assuming that language is any recognizable pattern that we can interpret.)

In this class we will work with the definition of Material Poetics as a commitment to a poetry where the medium expresses rather than carries the meaning, expanding the range of media, new and old, though retaining the commitment to the word.

Art through language interacting with tangible and sensory media

The poem as a material thing

Harnessing the real world in order to communicate an idea through poetry

Poetry the language of which harnesses the real world

Where language is sensory

The meaning includes the material.

Language makes art of itself.

The poet can become the material.

a poetry where the medium embodies the meaning.

the material is the message

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